Without our members, KUFC wouldn’t exist. And without our volunteers, KUFC could not function. To help all our members and volunteers, this library of resources has been compiled to help. From our Club Code of Conduct to coaching resources, training for officials, committee descriptions, who to contact for what and when. And if you can’t find the answer below, please let us know.
The name of the club is KALAMUNDA UNITED SOCCER CLUB (INC) hereinafter called the “Club”.
The objects of the Club shall be:
- To promote and encourage the playing of soccer football in accordance with the laws of the game as laide down from time to time by the Junior Soccer Association of Western Australia and FIFA.
- To do all such things as the Club may consider are for the benefit or in the interest of soccer football players and members.
The Club shall be affiliated with the Junior Soccer Association of Western Australia.
The income and property of the Club whensoever derived shall be applied solely towards the promotion of its objects as set forth in this Constitution and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend, bonus or otherwise howsoever to its members provided that nothing herein shall prevent the payment in good faith or remuneration to any officer or servant of the Club for services actively rendered to the Club.
(a) Membership is open to persons on completion of an application form and upon the payment of the prescribed fees. This payment entitles the family to one vote.
(b) LIFE MEMBERSHIP – The Management Committee shall have the right to bestow Life Membership on any person or persons who, in the opinion of the Management Committee, has/have performed exceptional services within the Club.
Members shall be entitled to one vote at any meeting of the Club or to hold any office in the Club.
Membership can be suspended or cancelled by decision of the Management Committee in the case of misbehaviour, acting in a way doing harm to the standing of the Club or falling behind in the Club fees for more than six (6) months. Any member suspended shall have the right of appeal.
The appeal process shall consist of a written letter to the President of Kalamunda United Soccer Club stating dissension.
Fees for players will be decided each year by the Management Committee.
The business and affairs of the Club shall be under the management of a Committee elected by the general body of members at the Annual General Meeting.
The Management Committee4 shall consist of:
- President
- Two (2) Vice Presidents
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Social Secretary
- Committee Members
- In addition to the above members of the Management Committee there may be a coaches representative chosen by nomination of interested parties. The representative shall have full voting powers. When the Committee deem it necessary there will also be a players’ representative who shall be nominated by the player for acceptance by the Management Committee and if accepted shall have full voting powers. These latter two positions shall be for one (1) year duration only.
The Management Committee shall meet a minimum of ten times per year (including AGM) or more when special circumstances demand so.
The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held no later than the second week of November each year at such time and place as the Management Committee shall decide. All positions will be declared vacant annually.
Standing orders will be:
- Reading and confirmation of the Minutes of the Previous Annual General Meeting;
- Business arising out of the previous Annual General Meeting;
- Correspondence;
- Reports;
- Financial Statements
- Notice of Motion;
- Election of Committee Members and Office Bearers.
(a) The President or Secretary shall call an extraordinary meeting on receiving a requisition setting forth objects of the proposed meeting signed by at least ten (1) financial members. Such an extraordinary meeting shall be held within fourteen (14) days from the date of such requisition.
(b) The Management Committee, by a majority vote, shall have the power to call an extraordinary meeting of the Club.
At the Annual General Meeting of the Club, or an extraordinary meeting of the Club, only financial members of the Club shall be entitled to vote.
The Secretary shall, at least seven (7) days before any Management Committee meeting or any other meetings of the Club, send a notice of such a meeting to all the relevant members stating the time and place where it will be held and the business that will be brought before it.
(a) At any general meeting a quorum shall be ten (10) financial members of the Club entitled to vote.
(b) At any meeting of the Management Committee (5) members shall constitute a quorum.
The President shall take the chair at each general or board meeting at which he/she is present. The Chairperson of any meeting shall have the casting vote.
In the absence of the President the Senior Vice President shall take the chair at the general or board meeting and shall exercise all rights and privileges of the President for the meeting.
The Secretary, or an appointed person, shall attend general Management Committee meetings, conduct correspondence under direction of the Management Committee and generally carry out the policy and instructions of the Management Committee.
(i) Minute Secretary – The Minute Secretary shall take minutes of all meetings.
The Treasurer shall receive all monies and give receipts on behalf of the Club and therefore shall keep proper accounts. The Treasurer, in conjunction with either the President or Secretary, shall sign all cheques of the Club. The Treasure shall submit a full financial statement to each Management Committee Meeting.
The Social Secretary shall be responsible for organising all social activities of the Club and report regularly all activities and present financial statements as and when required by the Management Committee.
(a) The Management Committee shall have the sole management of the affairs and concerns of the Club and shall have power to perform all such Acts and Deeds as shall appear to it desirable or essential for the proper management of the Club.
(b) The Management Committee shall control the finances and property of the Club. It shall adjudicate on all matters brought before it which in any way affects the Club or the game of soccer football.
(c) The Management Committee shall have the power to co-opt members in the case of retirement or special duties. Such co-option shall be only until the following General Meeting.
The accounts of the Club shall be audited by an Auditor elected at each Annual General Meeting and a balance sheet and statement of receipts and expenditures by the Treasurer as at 31st October of each year duly audited shall be submitted with a report at the Annual General Meeting or next General Meeting.
The financial year of the Club shall be deemed to commence on the 1st day of November in each year and to terminate on the 31st day of October the following year.
That the Club membership year shall begin on the 1st March in one year and end of the last day of February the following year. The annual subscription shall be determined by the Committee. Subscriptions so determined shall become payable at the beginning of the next membership year.
The Constitution and By-Laws may be added to, amended, altered or repealed by a two-thirds majority of members present at an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary Meeting. Only notices submitted to the Management Committee at least fourteen (14) days before any extraordinary meeting or by 1st October in regard to an Annual General Meeting, may be amended by the meeting. These alternatives shall be sent to the members at least seven (7) days before a meeting. The notices of the meeting shall give full details of the proposed resolution.
The Club shall have a Common Seal which shall be kept in the custody of the Secretary and which shall not be used except with the authority of the President, Secretary, Treasurer and Social Secretary being authorised to affix such Seal to every instrument to which such Seal is to be fixed to countersign such instrument.
The Club may be dissolved or wound up by a resolution at any General or Extraordinary Meeting called for such a purpose. If upon the dissolution or windup-up of the Club, there remains, after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid or distributed among the members of the Club, but shall be given to, or transferred to, some other Club or institution having objects similar, wholly or in part to the objects which Club, institution or object shall be determined by the members of the Club at or before the time of dissolution or winding-up or in default therefore or if an insofar as effect cannot be given to such determination such payment or distribution shall be determined by a Judge of the Supreme Court.
The Club being affiliated to the Junior Soccer Association of Western Australia, its constitution and any by-laws made hereunder shall be read in conjunction with the rules and regulations of that association and to the extend of any inconsistency those rules and regulations shall prevail.
(a) No player may receive more than one (1) trophy unless the extra trophy is:
(i) gained in a carnival;
(ii) other such successes in soccer competitions;
(iii) that it be the Clubman trophy.
(b) All trophies, other than perpetual ones, shall be chosen by the Management Committee. Suggestions may be made to the Management Committee but the Management Committee shall have the final decision.
Players six (6) and to ten (10) inclusive shall be given a fair and equal share of games.
Players eleven (11) and upwards shall be given as fair and even a share of games as is reasonable, subject to the coaches use of reserve and substitution duties as disciplinary action, the assessment of the opposition and the coaches’ own players.
(a) Coaches shall not suspend a player for more than one (1) week.
(b) Any contravention of the Club rules or general behaviour, which in the opinion of the Coach, requires more serious action than 3(a) shall be refereed to the Management Committee for discussion.
(c) All suspensions shall be reported to the Secretary within (5) days of the decision.
(d) All players shall behave in a reasonable manner and shall pay attention to coaches and their instructions at both coaching sessions and matches.
(e) Shorts and socks worn by players are play of the uniform and must be acceptable to the Club.
(a) The subscription fees shall be paid before the player can play. Special circumstances, such as a family experiencing hardship, shall be given exception consideration by the Management Committee.
(b) Substitutes shall pay 50% of the match fee.
(c) Reserves shall pay the full fee for playing a full game or shall pay as in 4(b) if substituted. If a Reserve does not play, then the player shall not pay.
(d) Players registering after 50% of the season has elapsed shall pay 50% of Kalamunda United Soccer Club fees, plus 100% of Junior Soccer Association of Western Australia fee.
(e) Refund of subscription fees – There is a no refund policy unless injury prevents further playing in the current season or the player moves out of the district with less than 50% of the season played.
All monies raised in the name of Kalamunda United Soccer Club (Inc) must be handed to the Treasurer to be used for the Club in general, not for any particular team, unless under exceptional circumstances subject to the Management Committees approval.
- The Management Committee shall be responsible for organising soccer under the sole jurisdiction and auspices of the Junior Soccer Association of Western Australia.
- One of the Committee Members to take the position of Minutes Secretary.
- One of the Committee Members to take the position of Publicity Officer where possible.
- A nominated Committee Member is to attend the Junior Soccer Association Annual General Meeting each year.
Kalamunda United FC (KUFC) abides by the Codes of Conduct set by Football West for all players, coaches and parents. These codes reflect the policy of football in Western Australia and outline the required conduct for all participants across the state.
If adopted, the codes will ensure that young people develop good sporting behaviours and have an enjoyable experience of sport at KUFC, which will encourage them to remain involved in any capacity throughout their lives.
The aims of the Codes of Conduct are to make the game of football more attractive, healthy and a worthwhile activity for children and adults alike.
For more information on Football West Regulations & Policies please click here.
KUFC Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct is a framework that outlines the standards of behaviours and ethical conduct expected of all club members, providing role-specific principles to guide individual behaviour and decision-making.
It should be a priority of all clubs to ensure that a current Code of Conduct is in use and easily accessible and understood by all members.
- Adhere to the principles of fair play and always play by the rules, respecting the traditions of the game and the spirit of competition.
- Respect the rights and dignity of every person including teammates, opponents, coaches and officials and never engage in behaviour that abuses, provokes or harasses others.
- Respect the decision of coaches and officials and never argue with them.
- Always play to the best of your abilities and participate for enjoyment not results.
- Never engage in inappropriate conduct including the use of offensive language and gestures that are demeaning to others.
- Care for the equipment and facilities made available during training and competition.
- Always consider the safety and wellbeing of other participants before performance and results.
- Adhere to anti-doping policies and never engage in match fixing or betting.
- Never engage in inappropriate conduct including drinking or smoking whilst in the presence of junior participants.
- Respect the rights and dignity of every person regardless of gender, race, ethnicity or sexual orientation.
- Promote a safe and inclusive environment, in which every person is protected and free from discrimination, harassment and abuse.
- Ensure every person has equal opportunity to participate regardless of age, ability or experience.
- Ensure that all equipment and activities meet safety standards and are appropriate to the age and abilities of every person.
- Promote the principles of fair play and discourage foul play and/or unsportsmanlike behaviour.
- Always consider the safety and wellbeing of participants before performance and results and follow the advice of a physician/medical officer in determining when an injured participant may return to training and competition.
- Maintain respectful and appropriate relationships with every person, especially to participants to which you owe a duty of care.
- Never engage in inappropriate conduct including the use of offensive language, drinking or smoking, whilst in an official capacity.
- Ensure coaching qualifications are up to date and accredited by the appropriate sporting body.
- Follow the guidelines and rules set down by the club and governing body.
- Call out and refer to club authorities all acts of unethical behaviour, whether from players, officials, parents or spectators.
- At all times act as a role model for others, displaying high standards of good sporting behaviour.
- Respect the rights and dignity of every person regardless of gender, race, ethnicity or sexual orientation.
- Promote a safe and inclusive environment, in which every person is protected and free from discrimination, harassment and abuse.
- Always ensure the safety and wellbeing of players above all else.
- Maintain respectful and appropriate relationships with every person, especially to the players.
- Be impartial, consistent and transparent in your conduct and decision-making. Accept responsibility for your actions.
- Avoid situations that may lead to or call into question conflict of interest.
- Avoid engaging in verbal communication with coaches, club officials, parents and spectators during play except in instances of medical emergencies or to call out acts of unethical behaviour.
- At all times act as a role model for others, displaying high standards of good sporting behaviour.
- Never engage in inappropriate conduct including the use of offensive language whilst in an official capacity.
- Adhere to the laws of the game and the principles of fair play, ensuring that the spirit of competition is respected by all players, coaches and officials.
Parents and Spectators
- Never engage in inappropriate conduct including the use of offensive language, drinking or smoking whilst in the presence of junior participants.
- Encourage players to play by the rules and to show respect at all times to coaches, officials and opponents.
- Respect the rights and dignity of every person including players, coaches, officials, parents and spectators; and never engage in behaviour that abuses, demeans, provokes or harasses others.
- Understand that sport is designed to be fun and that participating for enjoyment and wellbeing should always come before performance and results.
- At all times act as a role model for others, displaying high standards of good sporting behaviour.
- Call out and refer to club authorities all acts of unethical behaviour, whether from players, coaches, officials, parents or spectators.
- Participate in positive cheering that reinforces and encourages participant efforts.
Committee Member
- Respect the rights and dignity of every person regardless of gender, race, ethnicity or sexual orientation and ensure that the club promotes a safe and inclusive environment.
- Protect the integrity of sport at all times by ensuring that the behaviour and conduct of every person is consistent with the laws of the game, the principles of fair play and the standards of safe and inclusive sport.
- Protect the safety and wellbeing of members at all times by ensuring that appropriate safeguarding measures and policies are in place, easily accessible and understood by every person, and reviewed regularly.
- Be impartial, consistent and transparent in your conduct and decision-making. Accept responsibility for your actions.
- Make decisions in the best interests of your members and the sport.
- Promote a safe and inclusive environment, in which every person feels welcomed and is protected and free from discrimination, harassment and abuse.
- Ensure that all players, coaches, officials, parents and spectators place wellbeing and enjoyment ahead of performance and outcomes.
- Create pathways that support players, coaches and officials to improve their skill development.
- Provide equal opportunities for all players, coaches and officials to participate, regardless of their gender, ability or cultural background.
- At all times act as a role model for others, displaying high standards of good sporting behaviour.
- Never engage in inappropriate conduct including the use of offensive language, drinking or smoking, whilst in an official capacity.
- Ensure that all members are made aware of their rights and responsibilities under the appropriate legislation including: Member Protection Policy, Code of Conduct, Child Safe Policy and Anti-discrimination Policy, and know the process by which to refer a complaint or breach.
Our commitment
Our club is committed to providing a safe environment for participation. Aggressive, threatening or other inappropriate behaviour by members, their families, their friends, and other sporting personnel while attending a game or event will not be tolerated.
These behaviours are outlined in our Code of Behaviour and specifically include:
- using bad language
- harassing or ridiculing players, coaches, officials or other spectators
- making racist, religious, sexist or other inappropriate comments to players, coaches, officials or other spectators
- any threatening behaviour or physical altercation between spectators and players, coaches, officials or other spectators
- putting undue pressure on children, berating them or putting down their performance
- drinking at a game or training or being drunk at a club event.
What we will do
- Provide members, their parents and other sporting personnel with our Code of Behaviour and make clear what is expected and the consequences of non-compliance.
- Where possible, bind non-members by prominently displaying conditions of entry to grounds and facilities and by requiring parents to abide by club rules (e.g. by making parents associate members, signing our Code of Behaviour).
- Reinforce messages of fair and respectful behaviour by displaying signs and posters around our facilities and providing information on our website, in our newsletter and through other club communication.
- Encourage our coaches and officials to complete training to develop their skills and confidence.
- Ban bringing alcohol to training, a game or no-alcohol club event.
- Consult with our local police and seek their support and advice on how to handle issues involving inappropriate behaviour by spectators prior to, at or after a game.
- Encourage the reporting of incidents and investigate inappropriate behaviours as outlined in this policy and take disciplinary or whatever other actions as are deemed necessary (e.g. appoint a ground official to monitor behaviour).
- Encourage our players, coaches, officials and spectators to call the police if they are concerned about escalating behaviour and their safety or the safety of others.
What we ask you to do
- Help create a positive atmosphere for players, officials and other spectators by showing respect for players, officials and other spectators.
- Abide by our club’s Code of Behaviour and refrain from using bad language, harassing or ridiculing others or behaving in a threatening or violent manner.
- If you are aware of inappropriate spectator behaviour and you feel confident to do so, speak with the person and ask them to stop. If there is a ground official or committee member present, ask for their assistance.
- Report any inappropriate spectator behaviour to the club president or someone in a position of authority.
- Call the police or a club official if you are concerned for your safety or the safety of others.
Parents or others found to have behaved inappropriately, and who are associate members or have agreed to abide by our club’s Code of Behaviour and this policy, may face disciplinary action as outlined in our Member Protection Policy.
The President is responsible for the overall running of the club and acts as the club’s spokesperson and representative. The Club President’s duties and responsibilities include:
- Be the primary public relations person
- Be at the forefront of the Club’s strategic planning.
- Chair all Club meetings and work closely with the Secretary and Treasurer.
- Liaise closely with Club members to ensure the future direction and growth of the club.
- Have a good knowledge of the Club Constitution as well as rules and roles of the various Committee positions.
- Ensure that the Committee members complete all tasks they are assigned to the satisfaction of the Committee.
- Be involved and always informed as the present activities, personnel, events and financial position of the Club.
- Manage the running of the Club’s Annual General Meeting to ensure that it runs smoothly, presentations are made, and a vote is properly conducted.
- City of Kalamunda – to liaise on any matters concerning the Club which are governed or have an impact on The City of Kalamunda. These may include Facility Issues, Planning, Liquor Licence or any development to Maida Vale Reserve.
- Liaise with the President of Kalamunda Rangers to ensure the smooth transition between the two clubs regarding pre-season training and handover.
The Secretary fulfils the main administrative duties for the Club. These duties include:
- Taking minutes of the meetings.
- Keeping files of past minutes and reports.
- Letting people know when and where the next meeting is and what it is about.
- Helping to prepare Agendas for meetings with the President.
- Writing and receiving letters on behalf of the group.
- Keeping Committee members informed of what correspondence has been sent out and received.
- Keeping a record of membership.
- Overseeing distribution of club newsletter.
- Collecting and distribution of all club mail (from Kalamunda Post Office).
- Keeping a record of important phone numbers.
The Treasurer is the main person responsible for managing the finances of the Club. The Treasurer should be responsible to the Club for:
- Looking after its finances.
- Collecting registrations from Registration Co-Ordinator, along with all monies due to the club.
- Paying bills and recording information.
- Keeping up to date records of all financial transactions.
- Ensuring that all funds are spent in accordance with Club Constitution and with Executive Committee approval.
- Issuing receipts for all money received and recording information.
- Reporting monthly to Executive Committee on Clubs financial position.
- Preparing year end statement of accounts.
- Presenting an end of year financial report to AGM.
- In co-ordination with other Key Officer Bearers preparing financial planning, including producing an annual budget and monitoring it throughout the year.
- Helping to prepare and submit any statutory documents that are required by ATO.
- Assisting with any grant applications that the Club has applied for.
Please note: A number of these duties could be delegated to a professional accountant, however it is important that the Treasurer, along with Key Office Bearers have ultimate responsibility for the finances of the Club and therefore the Treasurer needs to e4nsure that any delegated work is done properly.
The Junior Vice President (VP) role is the understudy to the President and backup leader of and spokesperson for the Club. It is generally accepted, but not compulsory, that the VP will take on the role of President when the latter’s term concludes.
The role is found in one word: Service – service to the President, service to the Committee members and service to the general membership of the Club.
As Junior VP your responsibilities also include:
- Working with the Registrar and Treasurer during registration and team allocations (juniors).
- Liaise with Junior Coaches throughout the season. First point of contact. Also update Junior coaches with any information required following Committee meetings.
- Distribution of team lists to Junior Coaches.
- Ensure all details are maintained in Football West database.
- Assist President at end of season in providing confirmation of team lists for trophy presentations.
As Mini-Roo Co-ordinator your responsibilities also include:
- Working with the Registrar, Junior VP and President during registration and team allocations (Mini-Roos).
- Liaise with Mini Roo Coaches throughout the season. First point of contact. Also update Mini Roo coaches with any information required following Committee meetings.
- Distribution of team lists to Mini Coaches.
- Ensure all details are maintained in Football West database.
- Assist President at end of season in providing confirmation of team lists for trophy presentations.
CLUSTER CO-ORDINATOR (will report to the Mini-Roo Co-ordinator)
As Cluster Co-ordinator your responsibilities also include:
- Working with Mini-Roo co-ordinator during registration and team allocations (Mini- Roos).
- Liaise with Mini Roo Coaches throughout the season. First point of contact.
- Distribution of team lists to Cluster team managers.
- Set up games when Clusters are at home.
- Assist Mini-Roos Co-ordinator and President at end of season in providing confirmation of team lists for trophy presentations.
The Club Registration Co-ordinator is responsible for overseeing registration of all members of the Club. Registration days take place regularly (dates and times to be confirmed and liaised with Kalamunda Rangers and availability for using the clubhouse).
Registration is now online, however, registration days will be held and Registrar to co- ordinate this – including set up and having volunteers available to assist with online registration.
Registration Co-ordinator will work closely with the Mini-Roo Co-ordinator, Junior Vice President and President to ensure that the following duties are completed before commencement of the season and throughout when required: –
- Keep up to date records of all club members;
- Ensure that details are loaded and maintained in Football West database;
- Scanning and recording of registration forms/photos (this is available in FW database). A copy of the photos for junior and seniors’ teams are required to be emailed to all relevant coaches once teams have been confirmed.
- Examine and spot check entry of information in Football West.
The purpose of this role is to liaise with Football West and forward all correspondence and updates to the Committee.
The principal role of the Sponsorship Co-ordinator is to keep in contact with current, existing Sponsors. Contact other potential sponsors to assist the Club financially.
- Maintain up to date records of all sponsors – old and new and what level.
- Liaising with Treasurer regarding invoicing sponsors.
The principal role of the Uniform/Merchandising Officer is to:
- Maintain a list of all senior equipment/uniforms – where it is and who has it.
- Work closely with Mini-Roos Co-ordinator, Junior Vice President and President (for Seniors) on their uniform requirements.
- Ordering of uniforms/kits through Macron – making sure that there is stock on hand for registration day and throughout the season (as required).
The principal role of the equipment officer will be to organise, obtain, maintain all Club equipment in regard to Club activities. All damaged, lost or stolen equipment is to be reported in a timely manner to the Committee.
The equipment officer should also be responsible for the purchase, upon the Committee’s approval, any equipment required by the Club members.
As a summary the equipment officer will be responsible for all aspects of equipment with respect to the Club and its members.
Equipment Manager responsible to allocating and updating all kit bags to each coach for all teams (Mini-Roos, Juniors and Seniors).
You will work along side the Junior Vice President and President.
COACHES CO-ORDINATOR (for the whole club, i.e. Mini-Roos, Juniors & Seniors)
This is a newly created role that will grow, and more information will be added to this job description as it is formed.
We are hoping that this role will work on:
- Promoting network coaching initiatives.
- To produce a short review report which indicates how the club coach development could be enhanced over the next 12 months?
- Encourage recruitment of new coach volunteers to the Club.
- Maintain a contact list of all coaches and their main disciplines.
- Circulate new and relevant news articles, courses, workshops etc to Club coaches.
FEMALE CO-ORDINATOR (for the whole club, i.e. Mini-Roos, Juniors & Seniors)
This is also a newly created role for the Club and will grow and develop over time.
The purpose of this position is to grow our Female members and also oversee their requirements, regarding training, coaches etc.
- Liaise with both Mini-Roos, Junior VP regarding female teams.
- Liaise with Mini-Roos and Junior VP regarding coaches for up-and-coming season.
- Liaise with Football West regarding female competition and opportunities.
The purpose of this role is to update all KUFC media announcements, being on Facebook, Website etc. All Committee members wishing to add anything for media updates are to liaise with the Social Media Co-ordinator.
Use initiative to keep us current and impart as much information as possible to our members. Look at different avenues to do this including updating scores each week, photos etc.
Roles and responsibilities include:
- Organising fundraising events for Club.
- Work closely with the Committee.
- Assist the KUFC Sponsorship co-ordinator.
- Ensure all events follow Club Constitution.
- Ensuring all events are approved by Executive Committee.
This role will involve researching and applying for/or monitoring of relevant Liquor Licences for the Club approved by the Committee. The role will require a knowledge of Liquor Licensing and the relevant legislation. The LLO will work close with the function organiser and Bar Co-ordinator.
Bar Manager responsibilities include:
- Day to day running of Club bar during the season.
- Ordering of all items required for the bar.
- Maintaining a high standard of cleanliness of bar and canteen area at all times.
- Working with Treasurer to ensure profitable.
- Ensure that the Bar meets all legislation requirements at all times.
- Ensuring all persons working in the bar have the required qualifications and a copy is kept on file in the bar at all times.
Roles and responsibilities include:
- Organisation of photographer to come for yearly team photos (Mini-Roos and Junior teams).
- Working with coaches on best day and time (checking with Football West fixtures for all teams).
- Obtaining quotes for team photos and presenting them to Committee.
- Liaising with photographer on the day and ensuring that teams are on time.
Roles and responsibilities include:
- To attend Committee meetings.
- To assist in the general running of the club.
- Other duties as requested/required by the President.
Responsibilities include:
- Day to day running of the Club canteen during the season (requiring both Saturday afternoon and Sunday’s).
- Ordering of all items required for the canteen.
- Maintaining a high standard of cleanliness of canteen and facilities at all times.
- Working with the Treasurer to ensure profitable.